Well, I have FINALLY managed to start my travels up the east coast... although it's all gone a bit wrong as I'm having trouble delaying my flight to NZ!
Most of you will probably know now that I'm considering finishing my RTW trip as planned in September but then venturing back out to Ozland for an unspecified amount of time - with the general aim of becoming an Australian Citizen.
A lot is swimming around in my head, I have no set plan. So please don't ask because the answer to all of your questions is a resounding.. 'I don't know!'
Anyway.. Just before I left Sydney, Some work friends and I had a free zoo trip courtesy of Neverfail Springwater!
It doesn't appear to have that many animals although I did get to see a platypus!
Still we amused ourselves :)
I would post our highly amusing pictures but this computer is being temporarily mental (haha see what I did there? Oh yes i'm that funny)
But keep an eye out because they will be here soon...
Vicky is here now, a friend of mine from Leeds who has decided to join me for a 3 weeks holiday. It's mad to have a friend from here out with me! She's having a blast.. too much of one actually. I had to take her to A and E last night for her to get stitches in her chin!!! She's only been in Oz 3 days! Still we'll all had our ridicluous (atv related) accidents whilst travelling haven't we? ;)
Thanks for reading guys, keep up the good work
and I'll be with you again shortly xxx
i loveee you !
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