Hey guys,
Been in Oz for 3 weeks now and FINALLY getting around to blogging!
Not been up to as much as usual that would be interesting for you guys.. mostly meeting people and looking for work!
Been in Oz for 3 weeks now and FINALLY getting around to blogging!
Not been up to as much as usual that would be interesting for you guys.. mostly meeting people and looking for work!
Staying in Melbourne with my dad's best friend's family who are awesome. My dad is also out here for a month or so and has taken me to meet his family! So I've met an entire side of my family that I never met before.. unless you count when I was 6 months old! Pretty amazing for me.. but not so interesting for you guys.
Terry's family are awesome. Bailey is the youngest grandchild of Maureen and Jim (who me and Ali are living with). He comes over every weekday, and is the most awesome 2 year old I've ever met! I've wasted many a day playing with him when I should have been job hunting!
Have got a job now though - working at a restaurant called Lazy Moe's. The food is fantastic but I have NEVER seen such big portions. Most of the meals would comfortably feed 2 or 3 people! Insane.. it's so odd being in Oz after thailand.. so much is different! I miss Thailand but am loving Australia, just in a different way.
Met some cool people. Spend a lot of time hanging around the squash courts because terry owns 2, and for those of you that don't know - my dad was a squash professional, so he's been coaching here a bit. I've learnt to play. I am awful. It's fun tho! I've joined a gym too! WHO AM I?!!!! I've turned 23 and I've got all old and sensible.. nahhh.. just broke ;) I'll be back on track when we travel up the east coast I'm sure.
Met ANOTHER Matt (what is with that at the moment?) He is Ali's new boyfriend. I think he dumped Barry cuz we don't see him much anymore. Ali and Matt are happy tho.. going on their first date tonight.. cinema. I'm crashing cuz i like playing gooseberry! hehe
Ali is also finding work.. he has an interview at KFC next week.. oh yes..
OOh.. I've been learning to drive out here too! Legally this time (I think).. is going well. Driving loads.. and long journeys.. mostly on the freeway. Sounds pretty safe ey? Can't be worse than the atvs! Arm is healing nicely thanks for asking ;)
Off to the Zoo on Thursday so should have some good pics for you.. seen some kangaroos already. Went looking for them in the car in the early hours of the morning with Terry's brother - was hilarious! I guess u had to be there tho...
So. Australia is wicked. Will try and keep you updated a bit more regularly! Hope everyone is well xxx
Dear Tara, I am Christoper Laycocks Mum, I just want you to know that I enjoy your Blog, we have been to the Sidney Opera House also, to see Swan Lake.It was a night to remember such a great atmosphere. Do take good care of yourself, no more risks like the one before your birthday!Your Mum is very proud of you and you are working hard on your travells. I admire you for that but it doesn`t seem that you have much influence on your friend even though he wishes to travell with you up the coast. Werner and I went up to Qeensland and I would not have missed it for the world, it was so interesting and wonderfull to see the great barrier reef, truly a holiday of a life time. Continue to enjoy your tour Tara, all the very best wishes to you and your friends.
Rita in Germany.
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