Tour ended today :(
Have run out of money and have no place to stay tonight! So currently hiding out in our mates hostel till money comes through and a room becomes available! Hilarious...
We've done loads but mostly we drank far too much and lazed about! 18 of us on the tour I think so always someone to chat to and do things with.. sometimes end up just sitting around chatting all day when u should be out sightseeing! lol. Still we did loads and I'm waiting to scan some pics to show you that aren't on my camera. They are fantastic pics so worth the wait trust me ;)
SO.. things we did that weren't drinking.. er...
Attempted to get a bit of culture and visit a buddhist temple in Penang.. didn't make it past the huge shopping centre :)
Ali went to some cool indoor theme park in Kuala Lumpur but I was ill so I stayed in bed, but found that I was well enough to make the night out to the beach club.. Excellent night out with some crazy live band that did queen songs!
Went to a waterpark in Malaka which was excellent until i went down the crazy beast of a slide and got an accidental colonic irrigation!
Relaxed in a rooftop jacuzzi..
Visited an Aquarium which was by far the best aquarium i've ever seen.. it has some cool animals that you wouldn't expect in an aquarium tho...
Ate fantastic food :)
So yeah.. last 17 days have been epic. Really sad saying bye to everyone.. but in most cases it's just a really long see you later, and we'll be reuniting in Oz in the next few months.
Hope everyone is well.. keep us updated on xmas and new years in england xxx
Keep up the good work el turder!!miss u loads!!xxxxxxxxolwynxx
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