finally a real update hey! it's been a fantastic 2 weeks. After kanchanaburi, we headed down south to Kao Tao, a little island down in the south of thailand. beautiful.
long journey there - 10 hours on a coach, lot of waitinf around wondering if we'd ever get picked up! then a 2 hour boat journey that made everyone feel like breakfast was a bad idea!
Worth every second tho. The beaches were beautiful, and the island so small that nearly everything was walking distance.
both of us tried diving for a day but on different days and different courses as Ali already has his padi qualification. really good fun but expensive so we spent much of our week in Koh tao just lazing around on the beach, and snorkelling. We did fit in a round of mini golf on our last night.. obviously i won :)
From koh tao we took a boat to koh pha-ngan. Much more to do there as the island is double the size. We stayed in the north which was quite quiet but we met shane and lauren, a couple from England 9although lauren is south african) and we hung out with them for quite a bit, including at the full moon party on the south of the island - Haad Rin beach. That was amazing, you can see from the photos we had an awesome time. Drinks were served in bucket form.. literally a bucket of ice, a can of coke, a red bull and a 35 cl bottle of rum/whisky/vodka! They whack it all in and unsurprisingly, everyone gets wrecked. ali was skipping about like a schollgirl! people ere passed out all over the beach! There was even a designated sleeping area! but most people just passed out randomly, I think one girl may actually have been dead, but we weren't too concerned cuz we were busy! lol (i'm sure she was fine).
The beach we stayed on was fantastic, our hut literally looked out onto the beach. we tried a bit of kayaking and snorkelling but Ali was afraid of sharks, and I was afraid of crabs and slugs so it was more of an adventure than it sounds! seaslugs... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
PARENTS - LOOK AWAY NOW (if you didn't it's your own fault and u can't get mad..)
The second day we wanted to do things around the island, so we rented a jeep! Yep that's right.. we drove ourselves around ina jeep with a broken speedometer and handbrake! and yep, neither of us have a license! but they didn't ask.. and we weren't going to tell them! the roads are bad in koh pha-ngan but not busy at least. sorry parents, we're being safe.. honest.. we wore seatbelts :) andit's better than falling of a motorbike.. not that i did that! Ali has a tattoo anyway. (phew, that took the heat off me for a sec)
having the jeep saved us loads of time and money, we saw a chinese temple, fed some elephants, got our legs waxed by crazy thais (err ok that was just me) and had some lunch in the main town. it was the best way to see the whole of the island.
so.. south was amazing and we're nice and brown. now we're in bangkok waiting for the sleeper train to take us north to chang mai. my friend richard joined us yesterday and is with us for 2 weeks. so we'll update you soon.
missing you all, let us know how u all are and what u think of our pics. it's only a shame we cant put more on - it was hard to choose which few to post!
love to you all
Tara and Ali (who is actually here this time)
Hi Tara
Great to receive an update! It all looks amazing - great photos and you look sooo well!! (Great tan!)
Sounds as though you've seen and done loads and for a small fee I will not reveal about the illicit driving to your father!!
Keep us posted with all your adventures and take care.
I am first on here tonight and Luce will probably tell you it all herself but she may well be even more braver than brave than you as she had to have her head glued back together last night in A & E after a 'teeth bites head' related incident in a school football match!!
Yes really!!
MIss u muchly
All love
helooooooooooooooooo big sis! tut tut! i am ASHAMED of u doing naughty illegal things and gettin drunk =) do u REMEMBER tara when u phoned me up in the early hours of the morning and warned me never to drink EVER?!? and then i c n ur bludy bucket full u naughty girl u! mum has already spoilt my news!! anyway right i was playing football for the school team and sum MANBEAST with GIGANTIC teeth tries to header the ball and shuvs her TEETH into my HEAD!!! and then had the cheek to roll around all over the box saying she cut her lip WHEN it was MY bood in her mouth!! and then im sitting at the edge of the pitch for AGES on my larrysome, frezzing my titties off, and a bandage round my head when sum granny decides to talk to me and i couldnt even understand her!! AND THEN in a & e dad decides to take photos on his phone of the nurse glueing my head together!! so it WAS A NITH DAY!! and im sorry for blabbin on a it just thort ud like to noooo!! sounds like your havin an AMAZING time and i am SO SO jelus of ur tan!! i will be albino compared to u =( !!! ur looking very pretty in ur piccies (as always) il shut up now other wise ill get onto another random story and be here for days. i love you x x x x x
Good to hear your news. The photos look great and I'm very jealous, sat here in the house in Stockport wearing my coat because it's cold!
So have you slept together yet?
Sjust me and Tom need to keep eyes on this bet, yo.
good question Andy, not that they'd admit it!
Ali, have you really got urself a tattoo? You'll have to put a pic up of it.
Sounds like your both having an awesome time still and i'm still jealous. Oh and you should update the blog more often so i have something to read when i get bored at work!
Speak to u soon...
ail have you got a tatoo? don;t be shy i can see it on your arm!
all the same hope you are well, what is it of, hope it's not tacky!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joli x.x.x
Lucy - sounds NASTY! Still I win, as have only just recovered from my bike accident in Kanchanaburi! Only just admitted it happened 2 as didn't want 2 worry the parents! hehe. All good now but my leg was a mess! Ur awesome Luce - I love ur description of the manbeast!
Kathy - tan is great :) what is your fee? I don't think dad would be greatly impressed.. u know about his safe driving obsessions.. statistics and all! lol.
Tom and Andy - Never. NOT in a million years would that EVER happen! Not if he was the last tattooed man in the world! Isn't that rightsies Ali?
damn right tara, cos ur face repulses me.
anywho joli u will see the tat soon it aint too tacky, hope all is going well in ur first term of uni (better not be another drop out in the family).
tom nice to see ur working hard as always. sent my love to the rest of the house. will be updating the blog in the next couple of days cos we have already been up to some more crazy shannanigans in chang mai.
i want one of those buckets!!!
Not had any news from Chang mai. How are u both - looking forward to hearing an update. Just so that you know Ali, Jol is a lot more settled in Falmouth although I think she is glad it is only for one year - the place is a bit dead compared to the busy social life she is used to up in London. Dad is buying a computer for her and taking it down in the next week or so, so that must mean she is doing some work! I'm off to Peterborough today to do my annual xmas installation - only two nights I hope. Then I have a couple of days to pack and I'm off to Egypt on Saturday for two weeks. I hope we can hear some news from you both before I leave and then I can send you all my news when I get back to London on Nov 13th. Lots of love mum & dad.
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