Well Koh Chang has been fantastic too.. we haven't done much except laze around on the beach and ride our motorbikes up and down the island in search of different beaches! lol
Its been a good place to relax before we step over into Cambodia tomorrow..
The beaches are lovely here, beautiful clear water. We made some little Thai friends as u can see in the pic. Three 9 yr old boys kept bringing me shells while i was lazing around on my lilo.. we ended up having so much fun with them! Just like when you were on holiday as a kid.. didnt matter that we didnt speak the same language.. just messed about in the sea. Ali was chuckin these kids around in the sea, and i was miserably losing the 'who can stand on the lilo the longest' game! It was a real shame when it got to be time to leave... thai kids are amazing. Not at all like screaming, whiny, needy, spoilt western kids. I'm so glad i never was one ;)
Our last day in Koh Chang has been our busiest, we went swimming with dolphins in Chanthaburi, which is close to but not actually on the island. It was really cool getting pulled along by dolphins, and the first ones we swam with were pink! On the way back we met alovely American couple, Jack and Christel (originally german) and were off for dinner with them this evening. They are really lovely and have already given us their contact details and offered us a place to stay in Chicago when we get there. They seem pretty well travelled and there son studied law in england for a bit, really interesting people and Christel gave us some safety advice about Cambodia.
Both of us are a bit nervous about getting to Cambodia.. we may have been robbed in our sleep in thailand but generally we are pretty chilled when it comes to leaving our stuff in hostels etc.. and we dont carry a lot of money on us so no need for moneybelts.
Cambodia is different... first we have to get in, past the crooked officials who try and make u pay extra when getting your visa, and there are no atms.. so u have to carry a lot of money around.. so we need the money belt. Plus we cant leave things in hostels there like we have here.. it's all gonna be a lot more hassle.
Having said that, not sure about Ali, but this part of the trip is the bit im most excited about.. mostly because it will be harder and less westernised. Thailand is a different culture from what we're used to but its so built around tourists nowadays (which is great mostly!) that the experience is kind of diluted.
Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.. they should be much more of a culture shock.
So wish us luck, and dont stress if you dont hear from us for the next few weeks. We have no idea what internet access there'll be. Of course, by now.. theres probably a starbucks on every corner, 2 Mcdonalds per person, and an internet cafe every 2 metres!
Do you have to keep calling the girls "whores" every 2 minutes???
I thought with all this travelling you might have actually learnt the reasons why for some of them, "whoreing" is the only option...
Have you actually talked to any of them and listened to their stories? Some of them are horrific...Think about it before you judge them...
Oh dear, sorry to have caused such offense. Firstly I would just like to point out that although the net is a public domain, this is really only meant for our friends and family, so we're not putting much thought into being politically correct.
Secondly, I would like to ask, have you been to any of these countries? If you have then of course you will know that whilst what you say is sadly true for many women, and indeed men in some cases, it is not true across the board. Infact many of the 'whores' that we met would have earned a much better wage doing any of the many jobs available in the areas we have been to. Unfortunately the job of protitution in south east asia is often a job taken by these women with some pride. Read up on it - I have. And of course further insight was given to us by a girl called Tig - a Thailand prostitute in Chiang Mai that we spent some time with.
Oh dear, sorry to have caused such offense. Firstly I would just like to point out that although the net is a public domain, this is really only meant for our friends and family, so we're not putting much thought into being politically correct.
Secondly, I would like to ask, have you been to any of these countries? If you have then of course you will know that whilst what you say is sadly true for many women, and indeed men in some cases, it is not true across the board. Infact many of the 'whores' that we met would have earned a much better wage doing any of the many jobs available in the areas we have been to. Unfortunately the job of protitution in south east asia is often a job taken by these women with some pride. Read up on it - I have. And of course further insight was given to us by a girl called Tig - a Thailand prostitute in Chiang Mai that we spent some time with.
Hey Tara,
Don't worry - this IS from a friendly family person!! Well done in your response too.
How are you lovely? You look amazing in your photos - so chilled and at ease - it is lovely to see. I love this travelogue - nearly as good as being there with you - wish I was!!
Keep in touch on the next leg if you are able - it will be a good test of your resources but I am a bit concerned - allow me that! keep safe won't you?
Another change of plan here - although nothing is yet finalised - it seems terry is coming over here at Christmas time now with a squash team so it may be that Dad will come back over with him to Aus in January which might suit you better? I am desperate to come out there - think i am going into my annual depressed phase which is a worry - but it just doesn't seem like it is going to happen.
Will keep you up to date - as you know any plans we have are very fluid!
Miss you sooooooooo much
Love you
Hello tara.
again you are looking very tanned and i am very jelus (and very pale)
im reallu upset bout christmas. I RESLLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to see you.
im sorry. =[
and SOMEONES getting a bit worked up about nothing arent they? i can think of alot worse names than whores. hehe. nice comeback. that shut them up.
glad your having a good time my dear! keep safe x x x
i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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