This is the night Man Utd beat Man City, just before the match. Of course the next day Arsenal forced a draw with Chelsea and Man Utd won the Premiership Title. I just wanted to mention it... GO ON THE REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My housemates from Uni!!! We're ALL slowly moving here... Reunion night pic!
What can I say?
Workin hard and playing harder.
Clarence's birthday was on tuesday 8th may. Those of you who forgot.. shame on you.
I could not be with him, and I miss him
So we decided it was best to celebrate his birthday.. Cat style.
The security guard I think was mightily impressed.
It's lucky that the security guards like us. mostly because i don't actually live in the apartment I've been staying in for the past 3 weeks! And I dont think they realise :)
I haven't abandoned the lazy one.. hes poodling about in glebe and we actually saw each other the other night and had a pretty decent night out in our local bar. Our being me and the friends I crash with..
Confused? Me too.
At the moment it seems that me and Ali will be travelling up the east coast together but he's having money issues. Hopefully people will be generous at his birthday.. which is coming up sooooooooooooooon... 21 ey!
Working for Neverfail Springwater has been interesting.. my boss is nice but utterly incompetant. It amuses me that in my job at home, i was more or less in her position and I know i could fix things in 1 day if she listened to me! But it amuses me and I'm getting paid to do monkeywork so who cares.
Plus I've made some lovely friends there. Lovely friends... and discovered Kafka too.
Always learning something :)
Jeni's (blonde cat) mum and grandma came here for a week to visit last week! They were so lovely... it was great to have them here. They made us remember to do some more touristy things like hang out in the Botanical gardens, go to the Glebe market, go to the Lindt chocolate shop and drink the most amazing hot chocolate you'll ever have in your life.. those kind sof things :)
Oh, and Jeni's mum jumped right in on our traditional late night jacuzzi sessions! Legend!
Today i am off to the Sydney Opera House again. This time to see "Holding the Man" a play about 2 gay men growing up and falling in love - should be good :)
Ok so this hasnt been the GREATEST update. I am so busy I just barely sleep but it's not the same kind of busy in Thailand in that I can't show pictures of what i'm doing - no elephants here!
I spend so much of my time laughing..
and talking.. and dancing.. even when I walk to work!
I'm really really happy.
And yes I do have a new hair colour :)
Hey babe,
I see you're stalking random Neigbours stars, good to see you found the best ones (I'm sure someone will disagree with me here lol)
Loving the new hair and NO it dosn't make you look like a goth :)
I'm glad your having lots of fun :D
It's 3 weeks today that I fly out there... Oh dear god I'm crapping myself just a tad. It's gonna be such a laugh though, I can't wait :D
Vicky xxx
OHHH so that is pietro ...
:):):):):) hahaaaaaaa.
glad your having fun
& stalking people
its what you do best :)
LOVEDDDD my letter.
took me a while to work out but just you wait
you will get oneee sooooon :)
or an email.
i dont think i got an adresss
ANYWAY love youuu sooo much stinky !
not sure why though...
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