scared by one that barked right next to him.. and fell over in his rush to escape! ha!
The middle of middle earth
Me, Shane and Lauren in Brighton?!!!
The kiwi bus promotes sensible drinking...
.. it also promotes extreme activities!
... even when they aren't exactly 'legal'!
Who thought I'd ever leave Australia?! I know.. I'm surprised myself!
I have been in NZ for less than a week and still there is FAR too much to update you on, but I shall attempt to give you a brief overview of the best bits..
Started in Chrustchurch where I managed to catch up with Shane and Lauren - who Ali and I met in Koh Pha Ngan in the first month of out travels! Excellent to see them again - they are travelling around in a van so we went out for the day to Brighton Pier and caught the new harry Potter movie on its first day out! haha! I'm such a loser... less than a week till the new book and i'm THIS excited (that's really quite a lot...)
After Christchurch we went to Kaikoura to see seals, whales and dolphins. This was my first night on the kiwi bus so of course we all went out and had a 'get to know you drink'
From Kaikoura it was off to Nelson.
Not much to do there but of course we had time to check out the bars...
Westport went much the same way...
haha actually we've done loads.. a lot of walking and some gorgeous scenery.. so many beautiful photos! been to the centre of NZ (middle of middle earth..) and been so lucky weatherwise. It IS cold but we've had pretty much constant sun shining on us!
LOVING NZ.. looking forward to some snowbaording in Queenstown...
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